Improving port facilities at harbour of Mesta

Country / Area : Greece / Mesta, Chios island

Institution : Perfecture of Chios

Duration of Service : 2003

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Project description:

The port of Mesta is located in the southwestern part of the island of Chios. In the context of the study for improvement of port facilities was conducted the wave penetration study in order to design absorbent quay walls, which will ensure a wave height less than 0,50 m for wave design period 1, 50 and 100 years.

  • Calculation of maximum wave heights with application of the method of statistical analysis and GODA’s method based on winds’ recordings of 23 years
  • Numerical modeling: simulation of wave’s transformation with CGWAVE software package which solves the equation for mild slope equation mild, and is based on the method of Xu, Demirbilek and Panchang (1996), taking into account the refraction, diffraction and reflection of sea waves. Calculated the waves’ agitaion. Studied alternative ways of absorbing quay walls’ construction. It proposed the “IGLOO” type of quay wall.
  • Calculated the operation duration for the quay walls in a period of one year. Based on statistical data according to the results of numerical simulation, calculated the number of days in the year where the wave height exceeds 1 m.