Project description:
The fishing shelter is located on the west coast of Karpathos in the homonym Cove. It grows in the southern boundary of the rocky cape, between Liani Punta and small cove Potali. In coastal engineering study examined the possibility of sediment deposit or erosions in the wider region, before and after the construction of the expansion projects of existing Windward quay wall.
The coastal engineering study included the following:
- Data collection: a) climatic data of the region (e.g. rainwater run-off and according data, etc) in order to calculate the wave climate in the deep water, b) aerial photos of different years for the analysis of the evolution of the coastline,
- Numerical modeling: Waves’ transformation from deep water to the coastal zone taking into account refraction, defraction and waves’ breaking.
- Sediment’s Recognition: seabed sediments collection
- Sediment transport: Calculation of longshore and crosshore sediment tranport, taking into account the results of waves’ simulation, the analyses of sediments, the streams and rivers, the sea currents, the tides and the coastline’s changes in previous years on the basis of aerial photographs. The calculation of sediment transport was by using empirical models (CERC).