Project description:
In the context of coastal engineering study, was a) numerical simulation of waves’ transformation from deep water to the study area and b) numerical modelling of sediment transport under wave’s action.
The coastal engineering study included the following:
- Numerical modeling: simulation of wave’s transformation with CGWAVE software package which solves the equation for mild slope equation mild, and is based on the method of Xu, Demirbilek and Panchang (1996), taking into account the refraction, diffraction and reflection of sea waves. Calculated the wave propagation in the coastal zone.
- Sediment transport: Calculation of longshore and crosshore sediment tranport, taking into account the results of waves’ simulation, the analyses of sediments, the streams and rivers, the sea currents, the tides and the coastline’s changes in previous years on the basis of aerial photographs. The calculation of sediment transport was by using empirical (CERC) and numerical models (STWAVE, SBEACH, GENESIS). Simulated the longshore and crosshore sediment transport on the existing situation and investigated alternative vertical and parallel works to the coastal protection. Finally, simulated the evolution of the coastline under the wave attack before and after the construction of each alternative coastal’s protection works.